Grad Stories '18: 'Like' Is An Understatement


To say Anna Badamo's time at St. 如果用facebook式的大拇指来形容竞技宝app下载安装,那就太轻描淡写了.

Her parents, John and Terri Badamo, would agree. In fact, in the past four years, Terri has used the 'Like' button and comment box so much, she has earned the recognition of SAU's biggest Facebook fan.

Based on Terri's own words, "Like" is an understatement.

"St. 竞技宝app下载安装给安娜留下了深刻的印象,让她为人生的下一步做好了准备. It has been a wonderful experience for her and her family. She's loved it, and we've loved it," Terri said.

“我为她的毕业感到兴奋,也为她以优等成绩毕业感到骄傲. It is wonderful, but I hate to see it end," she added.

On May 12, at the St. 竞技宝app下载安装春季毕业典礼上,安娜将被授予文学学士学位 English and a second degree in Psychology. 她被威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的教育领导与政策分析硕士课程录取, and is planning a career in higher education student affairs.

That wasn't her plan when she came to St. Ambrose as a first-year student from Quincy, Ill. 安娜选择心理学专业,因为她想从事与人打交道的工作, perhaps counseling adolescents. “随着我越来越多地参与校园活动,我开始参与许多学生活动, and I realized I like working in higher education," she said.  

Anna was a new student seminar peer assistant for three years; a STAR (Students Trained as Role Models) during two summer orientation seasons; a writing tutor in the Student Success Center; a library circulation assistant for four years; and was on the cheerleading squad for two years. She also helped refugee children learn English and studied abroad in Italy.

Those experiences, 她还接受了心理学教育,这为她建立有效的竞技宝app下载做了准备,而她的英语专业也非常适合高等教育, led her to a new career path.

Senior Anna Badamo

At St. 竞技宝app下载安装,安娜发现了她在学业上的成就. "I've always enjoyed school and when I came to St. Ambrose, I found I was more capable than I thought I was. My professors and supervisors really pushed me, told me I could do more, pushed me to think deeper," she said.

At St. 竞技宝app下载安装,安娜也发现了她在学业上可以取得多大的成就. "I've always enjoyed school and when I came to St. Ambrose, I found I was more capable than I thought I was. My professors and supervisors really pushed me, told me I could do more, pushed me to think deeper," she said.

"I am glad I picked two majors I was really interested in. 这感觉不像是工作,而且我的教授们总是可以提供帮助. 如果没有他们的支持,我不可能以优等成绩毕业,”她说.

Anna said the same about her mom, too. "She's always been very involved and my biggest fan. When I came to St. Ambrose, 她很高兴我在几个小时内就能回家,但她知道她不会经常见到我或和我说话,这对她来说很难," she said.

"Then, 她发现了Facebook,并知道她可以关注所有这些页面," including Anna and her friends, SAU, the library, the cheerleading squad, and more.

"My mom visits campus a lot, 我所有的朋友都见过她,也很乐意在社交媒体上和她做朋友. 对我妈妈来说,让她感觉自己参与到我的生活中是很重要的, and it has been great to have her so involved in my time here," Anna said.

"She is not only my biggest supporter, my No. 我的粉丝,她确保我所有的朋友和室友也感到被支持,”安娜继续说道. “如果我从妈妈那里收到一个爱心包裹,她会在盒子里给我的朋友和室友一些东西. 如果有人遇到困难,需要增强信心, I'll tell them to add my mom as a Facebook friend; she'll be there for you."

Facebook为Terri提供了一个在校园访问之间保持联系和支持Anna的平台, her education, opportunities, and successes; to support her daughter's friends and roommates; and support the university and the many programs that have provided Anna with a second family that is worth so much more than a ‘Like.'

安娜说,校园里经常有人问她特里是不是她妈妈, 然后分享一个关于她如何对他们所做或取得的成就发表积极评论的故事. 安娜退出啦啦队后,特丽继续给球队发“好运”的信息. 特里抓住一切机会评论图书馆里发生的事情.

“安娜和我非常亲密,她一直很接受我的参与,”特里说. “起初,我对社交媒体持怀疑态度,但后来意识到它很棒. I love SAU Facebook, and I can keep up with things happening on campus."

"She is not only my biggest supporter and my No. 我是她的粉丝,但她确保我所有的朋友和室友也能感受到支持. 如果我从妈妈那里得到一个爱心包裹,她会在盒子里给我的朋友和室友一些东西. 如果有人遇到困难,需要增强信心, I’ll tell them to add my mom as a Facebook friend, she’ll be there for you."

Anna Badamo '18

安娜说她母亲的参与和不断的存在是很重要的,她很感激. At times, Anna would feel overwhelmed by all she needed to get done, "and I would get a care package from my mom, and it was such a boost to keep me going. 如果没有妈妈的支持,我知道有很多事情我做不到,也不会去做. She is there for me 100 percent."

Terri is excited for Anna to enter graduate school, but it means she will be six hours away instead of three. There will be fewer visits, 安娜已经警告过她妈妈,她将非常投入她的研究生学习,没有多少时间参加活动和和朋友出去玩.e.那么Terri在Facebook上关注、发布和点赞的次数就会减少.

But Terri will continue to support her daughter's educational, and personal, 成长和成功——无论是通过社交媒体还是其他途径.

"Anna has really grown in the past four years" Terri said. “她想要大学经历,而且她做得很好. 在SAU的这段时间里,她告诉我们,‘我找到了自己的位置. I'd never give up St. Ambrose.' That is a great thing for her mom and dad hear. 我们知道我们的女儿很快乐,很安全,很享受她的大学生活."

“我最为安娜感到骄傲的是她如此投入, reached out, and done so many different things. 她接受了SAU提供给她的一切:辅导,辅导,在图书馆工作. She's done everything," Terri said.

安娜同意她在竞技宝app下载安装的经历改变了她的一生. “我觉得现在比我来大一的时候自信多了. 能够在这么多的岗位上工作,拥有这么多的经验, I feel so ready for my next step and to go out into the world.

"I had an incredible four years. I am so grateful and thankful I found St. Ambrose," she added.


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