Student Outcome Data

The following documents and websites present data on student outcomes.

本页的以下信息包含有关学生成绩的文件和网站数据. If you'd like further information, email the University 评估 Coordinator.

All documents are PDFs unless otherwise noted.

Student Achievement Data

保持率 2018年秋季 2019年秋季 2020年秋季 2021年秋季 2022年秋季 2023年秋季
一年级, First-Time (all) 80% 76% 82% 75% 79% 83%
一年级, First-Time (athletes) 80% 78% 79% 77% 80% 85%
Non – 一年级, First-Time (transfer) 81% 74% 82% 84% 84% 80%

Please see the graduate programs individual pages for details on student achievement.

毕业率 2018届毕业生 2019届毕业生 2020届毕业生 2021届毕业生 2022届毕业生 2023届毕业生
一年级, First-Time (all) 67% 64% 64% 64% 58% 62%
一年级, First-Time (athletes) 67% 60% 64% 66% 64% 64%

Please see the graduate programs individual pages for details on student achievement.

UG Career Outcomes 2018届毕业生 2019届毕业生 2020届毕业生 2021届毕业生 2022届毕业生 2023届毕业生
使用 69% 75% 66% 56% 70% 67%
Continuing Education 23% 16% 14% 27% 25% 28%
Career Outcome Met 90% 91% 80% 83% 96% 95%
Knowledge Rate for Class 90% 90% 62% 68% 70% 67%

Please see the graduate programs individual pages for details on student achievement.


天主教身份使命评估(CIMA)项目为天主教高等教育机构提供工具,以协助他们在多方面的过程中识别他们如何以及在多大程度上完成了他们的使命. St. 竞技宝app下载安装使用CIMA工具来提供其天主教身份的独特表达的理解, 任务, 和charism. 学生调查衡量了学生对天主教高等教育中共同主题的参与和理解程度. Although it will provide comparative data, 它不是用来衡量是否符合天主教高等教育的任何单一定义. ▽下一届政府=目前还在分析20 ~ 21届政府的TBA结果,以便对外公布.

  • 新学生. 这项调查有助于建立一个基线,从那些在他们的大学生涯的开始,并解决传统年龄的本科生和成人学习者.
  • Graduating Students. This survey measures changes since the beginning of the students' college experience, relevant for both traditional age students and adult learners.

Campus Climate Survey

Aligned with the Core Value of Diversity and Integrity, SAU使用EAB校园气候调查来了解学生的看法和经历, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and measure year-over-year progress. 对结果进行基准测试,以了解与同行相比,校园气候的体验如何. Next Administration: Spring 2023

Spring 2020 Campus Climate Survey

ETS HEIghten Outcomes 评估

以St为基准. 竞技宝app下载安装学生的成绩与通识教育项目成果所要求的基本技能和知识有关, the HEIghten Outcomes 评估 suite is used to sample student performance. 到目前为止, the Written Communication, 批判性思维, and Intercultural Competency and Diversity assessments have been administered. Next Administration: Spring 2023.

通识教育 Outcomes

Prior to graduation, 对传统学生进行调查,了解他们与通识教育计划及其成果相一致的能力和能力. 学生被要求反思通识教育课程中的经历对他们整体成长的贡献程度. Administered every semester.

National Survey of Student Engagement


调查结果提供了对大学生如何利用时间以及他们从上大学中获得什么的估计. St. 竞技宝app下载安装(Ambrose University)利用其数据来确定本科生课堂内外的经验,这些经验可以通过政策和实践的变化来改善,这些政策和实践更符合本科教育的良好实践. This information is also used by prospective college students, 他们的父母, college counselors, 学术顾问, institutional research officers, 研究人员希望更多地了解学生如何度过他们的时间,以及他们从他们的经历中获得了什么. Next Administration: Spring 2024


The Outcomes Survey® (TOS)

成果调查是一个在线工具,用于根据现行的国家需求和标准收集新大学毕业生的就业和研究生入学数据. The graduates of St. 竞技宝app下载安装的学生在即将毕业时以及毕业后3个月和6个月接受调查. In addition to obtaining employment or ad任务 to graduate school, 学生们对他们在职业探索和求职活动中的参与提供了重要的见解, the role of experiential education in securing their first destination occupation, satisfaction with their first destination occupation, and motivation for pursuing a college degree and occupation. In 2021, TOS navigated to a new platform, and as such some summary reporting measures changed or are still being developed. As such reports below from 2015-2020 are broken down by majors. As of 2021 this report is broken down by degree earned. Administered every semester.


St. 竞技宝app下载安装与诺埃尔·莱维茨合作,管理传统本科生的学生满意度清单™和成人学生满意度优先调查™,以评估成人学生在成人和研究生教育课程. SAU uses this information to determine what is important to students, as well as their satisfaction with programs. The survey encompasses the full range of student experiences. Next Administration: Spring 2025.

End of Course Survey – Student Instructional Report (SIR II)

St. Ambrose students are asked to complete an online, end-of-course survey for each course they are enrolled in each semester. Results are provided to instructors to enhance the educational experience for students. 此外,通过项目审查过程对部门级结果进行正式审查. 学院和机构级别的结果用于支持各种级别的战略举措. Administered every semester.

Student Affairs Year in Review

In support of the educational 任务, 学生服务部的联合课程经验旨在通过促进个人成长来丰富学生的全面发展, social responsibility, and a sense of community. The Year-In-Review highlights these contributions to the St. Ambrose educational experience through community engagement and experiential learning. 学生服务处的多个办公室与大学的各个方面进行合作, engaging with and empowering student learning inside and outside of the classroom. Next Administration: 2023

2021-22 Year in Review

National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE)

中央SAU的天主教的核心价值是天主教知识分子的传统,其中竞技宝app下载安装批判性地参与思想, 实践, and ways of thinking informed by the dialogue of faith and reason. Acts of justice and service align with this tradition, especially as it relates to democracy in the Unites States and the world. 竞技宝app下载安装人受到美国天主教主教的指导,认为负责任的公民是一种美德, and participation in political life is a moral obligation. 主教们在《竞技宝app下载》一书中谨慎地注意到, 他们"... do not intend to tell Catholics for whom to vote or against whom to vote. 我们的目的是帮助天主教徒按照上帝的真理来塑造他们的良心. 我们认识到,在政治生活中作出选择的责任在于每个人根据适当形成的良心, 这种参与远远超出了在特定选举中投票的范围”(2019年), p. 13). As such, student engagement in elections is valued. 通过学生的选民登记总数和全国选举的投票率,SAU可以通过参与NSLVE来评估学生在民主进程中的参与度.


Tracy Schuster-Matlock

评估 and Institutional Research
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
Davenport, IA 52803


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