Bee the Difference Month

30 Days of Prayer and Service: Nov 6-Dec 7

我们面临的挑战是更有意识地活出我们对祷告的制度性呼召 & Service.

艾米·诺瓦克总统号召所有竞技宝app下载安装人参与 成为不同月:三十天的祷告和服务.

这项活动从11月11日的“蜜蜂与众不同日”开始. 6月6日,并持续到每年12月6日的圣竞技宝app下载安装节. 7. 

看看2023年的Bee the Difference月活动,并计划明年加入校友会,让我们的世界变得不同! 

如果您有兴趣在2024年11月或12月初举办活动,请发送电子邮件 for more details. 

Bee The Difference Day

Ambrosian Community

Bee the Difference day是由各个竞技宝app下载的校友志愿者组织的. Help us make an Ambrosian impact!

Bee the Difference!
Nov. 6- Dec. 7

Bee the Difference月邀请圣. Ambrose community - students, staff, 教职员工和校友——要活出学校的核心价值之一:服务.

Ways to Be Involved

Join Together in Prayer

Download the prayer card
Click here to download
The St. 竞技宝app下载安装竞技宝app下载被呼吁在牧师写的每日祈祷中团结起来. Robert "Bud" Grant, 米兰圣竞技宝app下载安装研究学院神学教授和联合主任. 祈祷的灵感来自圣竞技宝app下载安装的著作.

View the daily prayer reflections
The St. 竞技宝app下载安装竞技宝app下载被呼吁在整个蜜蜂不同月每天一起祈祷. Reflections will be written by President Amy Novak, students, 教师和工作人员在整个月保持我们的重点和信念的前面.

Submit the names of those you've lost
Beginning with All Souls Day (Wednesday, Nov. 2), 十一月是天主教会一个特别的时刻,用来纪念我们所爱的和失去的人,并为他们祈祷. 请填写表格,包括你希望我们在11月的祈祷和弥撒中记住的任何人的名字. In addition, 在过去一年中去世的校友会在基督国王礼拜堂特别展出. May we join together as a St. Ambrose family to support those who are grieving.

Serve Your Community

Serve Your Community
SAU Alumni Board members
让校友更容易为竞技宝app下载服务.  Check out these alumni organized service events.

Bee Counted
Don't forget to track your hours, 帮助我们推广安布罗修竞技宝app下载的巨大影响.

Share the SAU Impact
不要忘记在社交媒体上分享你的经历,使用#BeeTheDifferenceMonth!  让我们为我们作为一个竞技宝app下载安装竞技宝app下载所取得的成就感到自豪.

Quad Cities

感谢所有参与接下来活动的人! 如果您有兴趣举办自己的活动,请发送电子邮件至

Sunday, December 3, 2023

下午12点至2点30分在埃尔德里奇消防局(北纬120度). 2nd Street, Eldridge)

Organized by Katie Schroeder '02, ‘05

为cafe on Vine和/或King's Harvest制作烘焙食品,以帮助我们地区的无家可归者. 


感谢所有参与接下来活动的人! 如果您有兴趣举办自己的活动,请发送电子邮件至

Feed My Starving Children
Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 9:45am-10:45am
740 Wiley Farm Court, Schaumburg, IL 60173
Learn more and sign up


感谢所有参与接下来活动的人! 如果您有兴趣举办自己的活动,请发送电子邮件至

Milwaukee Bee the Difference Event!

Join us in supporting the St. Vincent dePaul Meal Program. For over 39 years, the St. 文森特·德保罗膳食计划在我们竞技宝app下载的两个地点为儿童和成人提供热营养膳食.

膳食计划目前正在寻找男士服装和季节性物品,包括毯子. Some suggestions for donations:

  • gently used men's coats, boots, and clothing
  • new packages of undershirts, underwear, socks
  • gloves, hats, scarves
  • blankets (new or gently used)
  • toiletries
  • cash

Contact Ann Murray Baker '88 with any questions

From Anywhere!


  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter
  • Help out at a local food pantry
  • 花一些感恩节的时间帮助那些不幸的人
  • Be a volunteer at an upcoming road race, 5K, etc.

Set up a donation drive wherever you please!

  • Flexible - whenever it works in your schedule
  • 志愿者需要在你当地的企业里主持捐赠活动, gathering with your friends, hosting virtual, wherever!
  • Toy and coat drives are needed seasonally
Pay it Forward

Join a Community of Loyal Alumni Donors
我们共同塑造了圣公会的教育和机会. 竞技宝app下载安装必须提供给今天的学生,以及未来的几代人. Join us in their journey by making a gift to the Ambrose Annual Fund, and make their dreams a reality

Every Gift Matters
在你的日历上做上标记,参加我们的“捐赠星期二”活动,在星期二向校园里你最喜欢的地方送一份礼物, November 28. Check out our areas to give.

Bee-Come an SAU Ambassador
Join our St. 竞技宝app下载安装大使,了解即将到来的校园活动和参与方式的最新信息. Complete this form to become as Ambassador today!

Ready to Host A Bee the Difference Day?

Hosting a Bee the Difference Day

你知道全国各地的竞技宝app下载安装人都通过教学来庆祝我们的集体传统吗, learning, scholarship, service, 并以自己每年的服务日来追求正义与和平? Bee the Difference日是由热心的校友志愿者在各个当地竞技宝app下载组织的.

详细的在线表格将指导您完成这些步骤, 校友参与办公室可以与你合作,帮助你的活动取得成功.  校友参与办公室建议你提前8-10周开始计划,并在活动前6周确认细节. Email for more details. 

Responsibilities of the Local Planner/Host

• Decide what organization you wish to work with; consider the number of alumni in your geographic area
• Select the appropriate venue and timeframe
• Collect RSVP's as they come in
• Manage the event onsite (check the setup, greet alumni, manage the flow of the service day, clean up at the end of event)



Next Steps

通过电子邮件AlumniAssociation@sau表达你对主办当地蜜蜂差异日的兴趣.edu.  We'll note your interest in an event for next year.  然后,我们的工作人员和志愿者将指导您完成计划和活动管理过程. 

It's Time to Connect

Are you ready to reconnect with your alma mater? The St. 竞技宝app下载安装校友办公室有很多参与的方式,无论你在生活中的哪个阶段. Become an engaged alumnus today!